About the Event
The Alabama Economic Growth Summit brings together a diverse group of powerful and influential leaders in pursuit of four overall objectives:
Objective 1 : Celebrate Alabama's economic development successes
Objective 2 : Rally the state's major economic development stakeholders around our common goals of job creation and increased prosperity
Objective 3 : Facilitate dialogue on the most important issues facing our economy
Objective 4 : Drive massive media coverage around Alabama's commitment to attracting companies and creating an overall environment that's conducive to growth
Thank You to Our 2019 Host Committee

M. Stanford Blanton
Managing Partner
Balch & Bingham

Will Ainsworth
Lieutenant Governor
State of Alabama

Katie Britt
Business Council of Alabama

Stephanie Bryan
Tribal Chair and CEO
Poarch Band of Creek Indians

Mark Crosswhite
Chairman, President and CEO
Alabama Power

Jay Gogue
Auburn University

Deontée Gordon
Tech Birmingham

Johnny Johns
Executive Chairman
Protective Live Corporation

Mike Kemp
President and CEO
Kemp Management Solutions

James K. Lyons
Alabama State Port Authority

Del Marsh
President Pro Tem
Alabama Senate

Fred McCallum
Interim President and CEO
Birmingham Business Alliance

Mac McCutcheon
Speaker of the House
Alabama House of Representatives

Jimmy Parnell

Liz Pharo
Managing Partner
Featheringill Capital

Jimmy Rane
President and CEO
Great Southern Wood

Allison Ross
Yellowhammer Multimedia

Jeana Ross
Department of Early
Childhood Education

Finis St. John
University of Alabama System

Lee Sentell
Alabama Department of Tourism

Cliff Sims
Telegraph Creative

Gary Smith
President and CEO

Tim Vines
Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Alabama

Fitzgerald Washington
Alabama Department of Labor
Keynote Speakers
Dominique Wilkins
NBA Legend, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist
Arthur Brooks
President Emeritus, American Enterprise Institute & Professor of Practice, Harvard Kennedy School
What to Expect

A kickoff reception celebrating Alabama’s economic development successes.

Unparalleled networking opportunities with national site selection consultants, elected officials, CEOs and economic developers.

A fast-paced and insightful program featuring expert panelists and keynote speakers.

Special Guests, including Alabama’s U.S. Senators, congressmen, and more.